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29 September - 6 October Marketing and ScholComms news round up

Welcome to our handpicked selection of marketing and scholcomms news from the past week. These are all free to access articles, so click through and explore.

Google has released its newest core algorithm update which is likely to be unleashed over the coming weeks; IFLA has cancelled its plans to hold the 2024 conference in Dubai; Meta is rolling out new AI features for Ads to empower creativity; the American Chemical Society is offering a new ‘twist’ on article processing charges (APCs) and is now offering something called an ‘article development charge’ (ADC).


A recent report has shares that UK company brand value dropped by 14% in 2023. This is in contrast to the 1% growth for 2022.

Marketing Week shares its picks for the UK’s Top 100 most effective marketers.

Is audience segmentation still as current as it previously has been? 61% of marketeres argue that it’s not, claiming that audience segmentation is an outdated method of marketing.

Google has released its newest core algorithm update which is likely to be unleashed over the coming weeks.

Meta is rolling out new AI features for Ads to empower creativity.

Neal Schaffer shares what you need to know if you’re thinking of clicking the ‘boost post’ button on Facebook.

Discover how you can get more followers on Instagram in 2023 with this handy blog post from Neal Schaffer.

Scholarly communications

IFLA has cancelled its plans to hold the 2024 conference in Dubai.

IGI Global has announced the ‘Reviewer of the Year award’ which is designed to recognize dedicated peer reviewers upholding the integrity of the scholarly record

Will large language models like ChatGPT have any longevity? What will its legacy be? Phill Jones explores this subject in an article for The Scholarly Kitchen.

The American Chemical Society is offering a new ‘twist’ on article processing charges (APCs) and is now offering something called an ‘article development charge’ (ADC). Sarah Tegen, Chief Publishing Officer of ACS Publications, shares more in an article for The Scholarly Kitchen.

Keep up to date with the latest industry news with next week’s blog. In the meantime, why not check out our previous posts? Or why not sign up and receive alerts as and when we publish content

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